A decade and a half in Europe and suddenly I find myself interested in the sports leagues I once felt isolated from. Thanks to the Internet and new sports networks playing North American fare, I'm back in the game again.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

History Repeating - From Michael Jordan to LeBron James

Just in case anyone forgot, it took Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls six seasons to win their first NBA title. In the years prior to that first championship, they inched their ways up in the play-offs, eventually losing to the Detroit Pistons two years in a row in the conference finals. The next year they went through their season on a mission and won their first championship.

This is LeBron James' 4rd season in the NBA. Look who's facing him in his first Eastern Conference championship. Deja Vue.

James is much like Jordan, having to carry a team that has little or no successful history in the NBA. The Cavaliers entered the NBA only a few years later than the Bulls making their draught of futility even longer and the fans in Northeast Ohio more desparate for success. However, just like those Bulls of the 90's, Cleveland will need more than 1 star player. They have a lot of the pieces of the puzzle in place, but I see no Scottie Pippen among them and they need that guy who can step up and be as much of a star as the franchise player.

For those of you who like a story, this is pretty good. However, I predict an unexpected twist before it is done. The Cavaliers will lose to the Pistons this year and next year in the Eastern Conference Finals and make thier NBA Finals and Championship in 2009. However, they will do it by beating the Bulls in the Eastern Conference Finals. If there are any bookies out there, I'm curious what kind of odds I would get on that bet.


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